Literally Literary Podcast

The Literally Literary Podcast began in 2019 as a research project funded by the Humanities Collaborative at EPCC-UTEP and formed by EPCC English Professor, Faculty Fellow, and Papagayo advisor Jorge Gomez and his Student Fellow, Vanessa Zuniga. They were joined by English Professor and Papagayo co-advisor, Richie Marrufo. Streaming on 10 platforms, the podcast reviews books, interviews authors, and offers pedagogical strategies for instructors to integrate culturally-relevant literature into the classroom.

After the podcast completed its year-long support from the Collaborative, Jorge, Vanessa, and Richie continued the podcast on a voluntary basis and featured it as part of Papagayo’s programming, later joined by English Professor Reyna Muñoz.

  • Streaming over 100 episodes

  • Reviewing over 30 books

  • Interviewing over 15 authors

  • Reaching over 70 countries

Literally Literary podcast crew interviews author Gabriel Dozal

The podcast crew interviewing Gabriel Dozal, author of The Border Simulator

Our latest episode linked below: